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CNC machining,EMD processing ect



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CNC machining,EMD processing ect

Our plastic molding are professionally designed and manufactured.They can be widely used in apparatus ,cell phone , electronic appliance,computer, car and other products. Relying on the different needs of products, our company has a high degree of design flexibility to customize all kinds of sophisticated mold ,and provide the best plans and services.Morever, In order to reduce the errors and the tolerance , and guarantee the quality as well. we use the high precision cnc equipments for processing . The machines can be easily operated either by auto or by hand. We raise the production efficiency by the way of taking the multi-cavities. So as to reduce the errors and injury suffered during operation, we introduce the automatical production systems after installing the mechanical arms and corresponding fixtures.
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plastic injection mold designing and manufacturing,mold injection ,CNC

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Company Li-wei precision mold (Kunshan) co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Electron Mould  , Supplementary Material / Mould Supplementary Mater  , Mould Machine / Machining Center  , Moulding Equipment / Injection Plastic Machine  , 
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