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Vibration Combined Test System



  • 5000.00Yuan/set


Joanna Wen
008676913826932967 0086-769-23164266
  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Delivery period: 30 Shipped within days
  • Total Supply: 100 set
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: 543Ten ThousandUSD
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: Simulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
  • location: China/Guangdong
  • Honor:
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BrandASLI Valid untillong term effective Latest update2018-06-01 12:58

Vibration Combined Test System

Temperature Humidity Vibration Combined Test System 


Temperature and humidity test chamber matched with appropriate vibration test bench to meet with respective corresponding environmental test requirements of temperature, humidity and vibration; extensively applied in aviation and aerospace, shipping, electronics ,automobile car, telecommunications, industry. 

1. A combined structure of test chamber and refrigerating system boasting compact and graceful design; independent console
2. To make it convenient for operation; original refrigerating compressor unit and its main accessories imported from abroad
3. imported LCD color touch screen controller capable of automobile control of temperature humidity programs; 
4. With R232 Telecommunication interface. To meet customer's unique demands, users may choose from different models of vibration test bench to ensure that in addition to good cool
5.Heat and air seal system, this vibration bench will also boasts remarkable effect of mechanical vibration 
Supplier information
Company Asli (China) Test Equipment Co.,Ltd Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital543Ten thousandUSD Year Established1988
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication  
Main businessMoulding Equipment  , Mould Machine  , Mould Machine  , Moulding Equipment  , 
Main ProductsSimulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
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