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Polyester Forming Fabric

Polyester mesh refers generally to the polyester fabrics woven with polyester fiber in spiral and heddle inserting methods for various industrial uses in producing of paper, corrugated paper, paper for train fare, filtration and separation in environmental protection, pharmaceutical, mine, metallurgy, machinery, airspace and other fields. Our committed staff constantly seeks innovative and more effective ways to do things better and has gained experiences and skills in our specific fields. While always pursuing the latest technologies and proven methods, our work is professional and consistent with our certification to ISO 9001-2000. Dewatering Belt ( Polyester Mesh Fabric) Polyester Dewatering belts are heat-set at exacting temperature and tension to give maximum operation stability. It is designed for use in solid/liquid separation, as well as sludge dewatering for vacuum and multi-roll belt presses. The unique spiral weave patterns offer rapid drainage and outstanding cake release. Polyeter Helix Mesh Belt Polyester helix mesh fabric produced by Pertter adopts cutting chips of high adhering Polyester. It is formed after setting, weaving, processing and forming. It offers the following features: Acidic resistance, alkaline resistance, corrosion resistance and temperature resistant , a long life of using. Polyester helix mesh fabric is several times stronger than common carpet and cavas Smooth surface of mesh, strong bursting strength, good permeability, excellent conduct electricity and saving energy. Easy installation, without trace, strength can reach 100% compare with general mesh. Uses: It is used in paper-making, enviroment, printing, mining, food lines. As well round yarn can be filled according to customers' requirement
Supplier information
Company Pertter Polyester Mesh Fabric Co. Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , 
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