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plastic injection moulding machine



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plastic injection moulding machine

Applications Features SZ series screw arbor horizontal plastic injection moulding machine are widely used for various thermoplatic(Nylon,ABS,372 polypropylene and polystyrene) moulding processing such as the cpmponents of automobile,metre,electronic,telecommunication,toy and house hold appliance etc. The machine, with the reference of the advantages of famous machines both of home and abroad,through continually innovation.which is characterized with excellent selected materials, advanced structure,attractive,appearance,easy operation,convenience in maimtenance,as well as equipped with reliable electrical controlling,up-to-date durable hydraulic component, it is steady and reliable in motion and has the characters of water and electricity-savine.Each type has two designs o DC and D are selectable to customers. Features 1. Manual,semi-automatic and full-automatic operation types. 2.Equipped with electrical and mechanical safety protector both thus can ensure safely operation. 3.Injection screww arbor and heation barrel are made of top-quality nitrided steel are characterized with high abrasion-resistant and anticorrosion. 4.Driver diectly by hy duaulic motor for preplasticization with non-step speed adjustment. 5.Five-supportpoints luffer hydraulic mechanism double-toggles for die closing withfine motion function,high speed and engergy economizing. 6.adopted introduced top-quality hyduooulic valve,controlled by DC 24V. 7.adipted introduced low-noise pump,the noise of the whole pump is lower than 80 dB(A). Besides above features the machine has the eatures as following also;Type DC:The adoption of three stage injection pressure,preplasticization back pressure abopt non-step adjustment with high and low pressure die clamp as well as accident alarm,multi-stroke hydraulic ejection,die clamping device adopt hand pump integuated lubuication rocker shaft controlled by DC 24 relay is suitable for plasticizing high quality plastic products. Type D:besides the features of type DC,it uses miniature program-con-trolling computer(PLC) for central controlling in precision and stability rare or repairing ,with multi-accident alarm can alarming automaticly,is suitable for various fine plastic products producing.
Supplier information
Company Ningbo Golden Star Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd. Business modelmanufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business Typemanufactur (manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Packing Machinery  , 
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