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18903712477 18037306236
  • Place of Origin: China Henan
  • Delivery period: 3 Shipped within days
  • Total Supply: 1000 个
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  • Business model: Manufacturer,Trading Company
  • Registered capital: 50Ten ThousandRMB
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer,Trading Company)
  • Main products: Liquid nitrogen container/liquid nitrogen tank/Liquid nitrogen biological container/Liquid nitrogen pen
  • location: China/Henan
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BrandTIANCHI Valid untillong term effective Latest update2019-03-15 08:56

TC Ln2 Container 35L

 TC Ln2 Container 35L

Correct use of storage tanks

First check the storage tank to see if there is a depression on the outside of the tank and if there is foreign matter inside. Before starting to use, users should check whether the jars they use are clean. If it is not cleaned, the impurities in the tank and the remaining moldy residue will be mixed with too much other gas, and the concentration of liquid nitrogen in the bottom hole will make the energy efficiency of liquid nitrogen lower. Second, in the process of transportation, it is necessary to safely "protect the coat." For a longer period of transportation, do a good job of protecting wooden boxes to prevent excessive shocks and bumps. In order to meet the conditions for transportation, general transport tanks have been specially designed for earthquake protection.

In the case of using liquid nitrogen for a short time or a short distance, it is also possible to use a thermos bottle, a thermos cup, etc., but when storing with a thermos bottle or the like, a small toothpick-like groove needs to be cut on the edge of the stopper. To take advantage of the discharge of nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen tanks cannot be sealed. When liquid nitrogen is stored in liquid nitrogen, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping a certain gap in the liquid nitrogen tank. Otherwise, the gas cannot be eliminated in time due to the liquid nitrogen gasification, and Caocheng explosion accident can easily occur.

Generally, the lids of liquid nitrogen tanks have a certain gap, and they cannot be blocked manually during use. Also check whether the pressure in the storage tank is competing for production before use. Slowly open the liquid valve. When the pressure in the tank reaches the required pressure, open the valve before the pressure reducing valve. After the pressure in the tank is stabilized, open the liquid valve. After opening the gas supply valve after the evaporator, the gas station started working.

Company: Henan Tianchi Instrument & Equipment Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86-18903712477


Fax: +86-371-65715725



what's app:tianchiydg



Address:Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Zheng Hua Road No. 10

Supplier information
Company Henan Tianchi Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd. Business modelManufacturer,Trading Company
Registered capital50Ten thousandRMB Year Established2011
LocationChina/Henan Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer,Trading Company)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication      
Main businessMould Machine / Foundry Machinery  , 
Main ProductsLiquid nitrogen container/liquid nitrogen tank/Liquid nitrogen biological container/Liquid nitrogen pen
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