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pecision injection machine

A. Features:Uses advanced microprocessor in control unit for fully computerized control. Complies with CE safety standards. Equipped with high quality pressure and speed coupling variable displacement pump which can save 30% more energy and low production costs. Multi-functional computer (microprocessor) with high resolution LE, easy operation and reliable performance. Uses quick mold clamping speed and low mold clamping pressure to protect the mold, increase the length of its life and reduce maintenance costs. Uses high precision transducer to ensure an accurate production process. The large injection screw L/D ratio of over 20:1 and precision injection screw design produces high quality and rigid products. B. Functions:Combined with different features and advanced functions, L.K.'s plastic injection machine is suitable for producing different industrial plastic products as well as household necessities of varying size. C. Accessories:Hydraulic closed nozzle. Nitrogen accumulators and relative devices for high-speed injection and thin wall products. Injection screw tachmeter. Electric or hydraulic spanning mold releasing device. Core pulling device. Hydraulic safety device
Supplier information
Company L.K. Machinery Co. Business modelmanufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Typemanufactur (manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Machining Center  , 
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