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Mingzhu Factory sell Mooney Viscometer



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  • Place of Origin: China
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Mingzhu Factory sell Mooney Viscometer

The machine complies with GB/T 1232 慣est for Mooney Viscosity of Unvulcanized Rubber? GB/T1233 慣est for Early Vulcanizing Characteristics of Rubber Mooney Viscometer Law?and ISO289, ISO667 standard requirements, used for testing nature rubber and gross rubber in viscosity, premature cure, vulcanization value and so on. Micro-computer control, data display and automatic calibration, it is perfect testing instrument for rubber industry and research unit. Imported intelligent digital temperature control instrument, simple setting and wide control range. The machine uses the latest principle and the structure of 憁ain unit + computer + printer? Computer control, and collection, storage, disposal and printing the result and curve of data with interface board. The machine uses the software platform of Windows/98/Me/NT/XP, software window operating interface of visual image. It is more accurate to deal with the data, and simple, flexible as well as convenient to operate. High reliability and high automation. Technical Parameters: 1. Temperature Range: room temperature--200℃ 2. Temperature Fluctuation: ?.5℃ 3. Mooney Value Range: full range 200 mooney 4. Mooney Value Resolution: 0.1 mooney 5. Mooney Value Precision: ?.5 mooney 6. Rotor Speed: 2?.02 r/min 7. Power: AC220V 50Hz 8. Shape Dimension: 660mm?70mm?300mm 9. Main Unit Weight: 210kg
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tensile strength tester, moving die rheometer, mooney viscometer, testing machine, etc.

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Company Jiangdu Mingzhu Testing Machine Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Tool & Measure  , Mould Machine / Punch Machinery  , Moulding Equipment / Rubber machinery  , Trading & Purchaser / Equipment Trade  , Trading & Purchaser / Plastic Manufacturer  , 
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