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Mingzhu Factory sell HDT & VICAT Temperature Test



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Mingzhu Factory sell HDT & VICAT Temperature Test

HDT & VICAT Temperature Tester is used for testing Vicat softening point temperature and heat distortion temperature of polymer material. As a mark of controlling quality and identifying thermal property of new product, testing distortion with sensor, setting heating speed with temperature controller, automatic rising and descending of sample shelf, it can test six samples at a time. Controlling the whole process of operation with PC, the tester uses windows98/me/2000/xp operating system platform, software interface of graphic image, flexible data processing mode, modular VB language programming method, perfect user抯 report. Design novel, figure artistic, and reliability high. It complies with GB/T 1633 慣est for Softening Temperature of thermoplastic plastics? GB/T 1634 慞lastic Bending Load Heat Distortion Temperature Test Method? GB 8802 慞VC-U Tube and Pipe Vicat Softening Temperature Test Method?and ISO75, ISO306, ISO2507 standard requirements. Technical Parameters: 1. Temperature Range: room temperature - 350℃ 2. Heating Speed: (12 ?1) ℃/6min[(120 ?10) ℃/h] (5 ?0.5)℃/6min[(50 ?5)℃/h] 3. Maximum Temperature Error: ?0.1 ℃ 4. Distortion Measuring Range: 0m m - 1mm 5. Distortion Measuring Error: 0.01mm 6. Heating Medium: Methyl silicone oil 7. Heating Power: 4kW 8. Cooling Mode: natural cooling above 150℃ Water cooling or natural cooling below 150℃ 9. Power: AC220V 20A 50Hz 10. Shape Size: 720mm ?700mm ?1380mm 11. Net Weight: 180kg 12. Report Contents: to print relative parameters, and temperature-distortion curve.
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tensile strength tester, moving die rheometer, mooney viscometer, testing machine, etc.

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Company Jiangdu Mingzhu Testing Machine Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Tool & Measure  , Mould Machine / Punch Machinery  , Moulding Equipment / Rubber machinery  , Trading & Purchaser / Equipment Trade  , Trading & Purchaser / Plastic Manufacturer  , 
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