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all kinds of chillers with low price



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  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
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all kinds of chillers with low price

Equipped with shellpipe condenser and stainless steel cased evaporator, which are quite easy to be cleaned and maintained. Equipped with automatic water supply device in the water- tank. Air cooled cased chiller with board type evaporator is suitable for the district of lack of water resource and district of poor water quality. Larger than model XC-20 are assembled 2 sets or 4 sets of compressors, So they are able to used as separate or together to reduce the resource waste. Complete with safety protection and error indication system, including compressor over load protection, pump over load protection, high pressure and low pressure protection and phase failure protection, Equipped with figure intellectualized temperature controls, Which can accurately measure and control water temperature within the range of 5'-35'c Supply for Machinery: Cooling system of oil temperature, ultrasonic, high frequency machinery. Cooling System of injection molding machinery. Cooling system of blow molding machinery. Cooling system of extruder. Additional equipment for option: 1. Starter of timer switch. 2. Large type of water filter.
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chillers,dryers,color mixers,crushers,autoloaders,mould temperature controllers

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Company DongGuan Taian Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Standard Parts  , Supplementary Material / Mould Supplementary Mater  , Moulding Equipment / Injection Plastic Machine  , Moulding Equipment / Assistant Machinery  , 
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