Valid untillong term effective | Latest update2013-01-15 19:56 |
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HD series injection molding machine
HD series injection molding machine is the earliest machines sales in domestic market. After 18 years service life in customer factory those machine still work very well. But we improve this series machines year by year. Now it has developed from HD50 to HD3300. They are so classic and economical.
Easy operation, environment friendly, convenience maintenance, fastreaction, less energy consumption and longer service life will give you morebenefit.
Of course we always have good price to save you investment.
When you have new project please inform us to send you a package because wehave many experiences at PET parking, PVC fitting, PMMA cosmetics, CD/DVDcover, PP/PE container, thermoset plastic, PP waste barrel, high temperatureplastic, multi component injection, precision injection, ultra speed injection,gas-assist injection, fully clean-room molding area and so on.
We believe our professional service with excellent quality product will leadyour business to a bright future.