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laser scaning and 3D measurement



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laser scaning and 3D measurement

For tough jobs requiring high accuracy in China, no one compares to Symprises/GKS-China! Since 2001, Symprises has been providing 3D measurement services to our customers and partners. Armed with portable CMM with laser scanners, high accuracy CMM and Laser Design SLP scanners, we offer the highest quality of scanning data in the market and provide various 3D measurement services including reverse engineer digitizing and inspection. Major Measurement Systems Picture Name and Specifications Typical Applications High Accuracy CMMBrown & Sharpe Global CMM Size700x1000x700mm Accuracy0.005mm SoftwarePC-DMIS Working ModeProgramable, Automatic High Accuracy Inspectionprecise machined parts 3D measurement (Digitizing of Reverse Engineering and inspection), such as engine parts, fixtures, etc Programming MeasurementBatch inspection for precise parts Romer/Cimcore Infinite Arm Measurement Diameter2.8m (9ft) Accuracy0.05mm Scanning Accuracy0.10-0.20mm Accuracy for Full Car Body2-3mm Laser Scanners Perceptron V4i LDI SLP250/330/450 On-site MeasurementHard-to-move parts measurement, such as fixture, clay model, die/mold, full car Flexible MeasurementFor parts with complicated structure that traditional method is not good for Laser ScanningSurface scanning for reverse engineering or color map inpection Very High Accuracy Laser Scanning Size800x1000x700mm Accuracy0.01-0.02mm for scan data Scanners LDI SLP250/400 Laser Scanning InspectionHigh accuracy scanning inspection, such as precise casting parts, plastic parts, etc High Accuracy DigitizingFor many high accuracy parts, conventional 3D digitizing is not enough. Symprises' WX-3040 scanning system is the best for this hard job. Optical Comparator (Vision Inspection System) Size300x150x150mm Accuracy0.025-0.03mm Features: Flexi-Zoom, Zoom 40-200X Used to measure tiny features/objects Roughness Gage Measurement Resolution: 0.01 Range: 3l7l Used to measure roughness of surface Pin Gage Range: 0.011-0.500 inch Used to measure holes size Geomagic Point Cloud Inspection PC-DMIS Dimensional Inspection PowerINSPECT Inspection On-site Laser Scanning Symprises is one of the major on-site measurement service providers in China. We have rich experience on body-in-white, clay model, fixtures and large die/mold which normally need on-site work. Dimensional Inspection (3rd Part Quality Inspection) 3rd part quality inspection is important for quality control (QC). For many inter-country companies, oversea supplier management is a key for product development and production process. Symprises teamed with GKS, we offer US standard inspection services for our customers. Contact with GKS USA office or directly with Symprises/GKS-China Office. We have a solution for you.
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3D measurement: CMM and laser scanning for first/last article inspection, reverse enigneering, etc

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Company Symprises Manufacture Engineering (SME), Ltd. Business modelOthers
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeOthers (Others)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , Moulding Equipment / Injection Plastic Machine  , Trading & Purchaser / Plastic Manufacturer  , Coordination & Synergy / Design & Ssculpt  , 
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