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first article inspection,3Dmeasurement
One-stop product inspection and development service in China
Symprises (GKS-China Office) offers following services:
1) 3D measurement: CMM and laser scanning for first/last article inspection, reverse enigneering, etc,
2) CAD Modeling: laser scanning data processing, CAD design, structure design, etc.
3) Product development support: innovation design, CAD, prototyping, low-volume production (test production).
4) Production tooling: die/mold, fixtures
Our customers are mostly multi-nation companies with suppliers in China. We work with our clients with QC processing in the suppliers side. More information can be found in
Please contact us if there is anything we can help.
Lindy Zhou
Symprises Manufacture Engineering (SME), Ltd.
Symprises Technology, Ltd.
GKS-China Office