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Oilfield Hydraulic Hose

Construction: it is composed of an inner rubber layer protection layer, middle rubber layer, steel wire spiral layer and external rubber cover Use: The steel wire spiral drilling rubber hose are used in oil field well cementing. well pulling , petroleum geology exploration, small drilling machine, water conveyance, coal excavation. Used to carry slurry, normal temperature water, and other fluids. The products include oil hose,steam hose,sand-blast hose,food rubber hose,oxygen-blast hose,and all kinds of special rubber hoses,widely usde in machinery,chemical industry,petroleum,metallurgy,food,and so on. Product structure High pressure steel wire knitting tube is mainly composed of inner rubber lining,mesoglea, number1,2,3 steel wire braid and outer rubber lining,The inner rubber lining is made of sythetic rubber and transfer the pressure to the medium to protect the steel wire from corroding ,and the outer rubber lining is used to protect the steel wire from wearing while the steel wire is used to enforce the tube. MoGao Hydraulic Hose Manufacturing Co.
Supplier information
Company MoGao Hydraulic Hose Manufacturing Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , 
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