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Hydraulic Hose Assembly

Care should be taken when selecting the components for a hose assembly to insure the product a long life. One should consider what the hose will be used for? what pressure it will operate under? what will be transferred by the hose? what environment will the hose be used in? what other equipment will this hose be used with? Will this be a pressure wash hose or a foam brush hose or a solution hose? Depending on what the hose will be used for will be the first most important consideration in the selection of the hose assembly components. Pressure falls into two general ranges, high pressure and low pressure. There is really no advantage to using a 3000 psi rated hose where the normal operating pressure will be 60 - 75 psi. As is also the case with temperature. One should always use a temperature rated hose when hot liquids or gases are to be transferred. In these cases using a hose rated higher than the intended service range is unnecessary and a waste of money. The higher rated hose generally costing more. On the other hand one would definitely not want to use a hose rated for 200 psi where 1200 psi pressures are expected to be encountered. This is a serious safety consideration. It is always better to error with too much margin of safety. For details on selecting the correct hose see our feature on hoses. To make a hose assembly order: 1) select Hoses. Choose type, color, size and length of hose. Enter number of hose assemblies that will be made from this hose. 2) select Hose Ends. Remember that you will need two (2) ends per hose. 3) select Hose Bend Restrictors if desired. Bend Restrictors can be on End A, End B or on both ends. MoGao Hydraulic Hose Manufacturing Co.
Supplier information
Company MoGao Hydraulic Hose Manufacturing Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , 
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