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E3021729000 Timing belt Z GX-4



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15323874439 86-755-27807792
  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Delivery period: 3 Shipped within days
  • Authentication:
  • Registered capital: 100Ten ThousandRMB
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Main products: SMT feeder, feeder with parts, nozzle, the nozzle holder, nozzle shaft, laser sensor, servo motor, driver, the controller board, solenoid valve, ball screw, belt, Cable, sensor, ai with parts, Cutter, filter, feeder Calibration jigs etc
  • location: China/Guangdong
  • Honor:
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Information on this page is provided for you by ZK Electronic Technology Co ., Limited“E3021729000 Timing belt Z GX-4”Product information, if you want to know more about“E3021729000 Timing belt Z GX-4”Price, manufacturers, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
Valid untillong term effective Latest update2019-03-04 11:43

E3021729000 Timing belt Z GX-4

 E3021729000 Timing belt Z GX-4

JUKI 750/60 Belt Series

E2017725000 CONVEYOR BELTS 750/60 import and export belt

E2016725000 CONVEYOR BELT C 750/60 middle belt

E3023725000 TIMING BELT THETA 750 / 60T shaft belt

E2308725000 TIMING BELT (YB) 750 / 60YB belt

E2306725000 TIMING BELT (YA) 750 / 60YA belt

E2432725000 TIMING BELT (XB) 750 / 60XB belt

E2431725000 TIMING BELT (XA) 750 / 60XA belt

JUKI2010 / 20 Belt Series

40019526 CONVEYOR BELT S (M) 2010/20 and export belt M

40019528 CONVEYOR BELT S (L) 2010/20 and export belt L

40019527 CONVEYOR BELT C (M) 2010/20 middle belt M

40019532 CONVEYOR BELT C (E) 2010/20 middle belt L

E3014729000 TIMING BELT THETA 2010 / 20Z shaft belt

E3021729000 TIMING BELT Z 2010 / 20T shaft belt

E2107729000 TIMING BELT XB 2010 / 20XB shaft belt

E2009729000 TIMING BELT YB (L) 2010 / 20YB shaft belt L

E2004729000 TIMING BELT YB M 2010 / 20YB shaft belt M

JUKI2050 / 60 Belt Series

40000863 CONVEYOR BELT S 2050/60 importers Belt M

40001860 CONVEYOR BELT S (E) 2050/60 and export belt L

40000790 CONVEYOR BELT EX (W) 2050/60 and export belt W

40000864 CONVEYOR BELT C 2050/60 middle belt M

40001070 CONVEYOR BELT C (L) 2050/60 middle belt L

40001143 TIMING BELT Z 2050 / 60Z shaft belt

40001116 TIMING BELT T 2050 / 60T shaft belt

40001160 TIMING BELT IC Z 2060RZ belt

40000732 TIMING BELT YB 2050 / 60YB Belt M

40000733 TIMING BELT YB (L) 2050 / 60YB Belt L

40016697 TIMING BELT YB (E) 2050 / 60YB belt E

40000688 TIMING BELT XB 2050 / 60YB belt

40000675 TIMING BELT XM 2050 / 60X shaft PULLEY small belt

JUKI2070 / 80 Belt Series

40000863 CONVEYOR BELT S 2070/80 importers Belt M

40001860 CONVEYOR BELT S (E) 2070/80 and export belt L

40000864 CONVEYOR BELT C 2070/80 middle belt M

40001070 CONVEYOR BELT C (L) 2070/80 middle belt L

40046521 TIMING BELT T 2070/80 T axis belt

40046522 TIMING BELT Z 2070/80 Z-axis belt

40000688 TIMING BELT XB 2070/80 XB axis belt

40000675 TIMING BELT XM 2070/80 XA shaft small belt

40000732 TIMING BELT YB 2070/80 YB axis belt M

40000733 TIMING BELT YB (L) 2070/80 YB axis belt L

FX-1 / R series Belt

L171E121000 CONVEYOR BELT S FX-1 / R transfer and export belts

L167E521000 CONVEYOR BELT C FX-1 / R in the middle belt transmission

L151E421000 TIMING BELT Z FX-1 / R Z belt

L150E821000 TIMING BELT T FX-1 / R T Belt

Supplier information
Company ZK Electronic Technology Co ., Limited Business model
Registered capital100Ten thousandRMB Year Established2005
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication    
Main businessSupplementary Material  , Mould Manufacturer  , Trading & Purchaser  , Trading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , Coordination & Synergy  , Mould Machine  , 
Main ProductsSMT feeder, feeder with parts, nozzle, the nozzle holder, nozzle shaft, laser sensor, servo motor, driver, the controller board, solenoid valve, ball screw, belt, Cable, sensor, ai with parts, Cutter, filter, feeder Calibration jigs etc
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