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  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Business model: Manufactur
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Drill grinder

Portable idiot drill grinder, twist drill grinder. Grinding is accurate and rapid, easy operation with no skill to grind. Economical price that greatly reduces the cost and improves the use effect. With Taiwan diamond grinding wheel, it can be equipped directly with an accurate angle and long service life. The electrically controlled and powerful DC motor: stable frequency, strong horsepower and long service life. Bearing shaft and locking unit. Drill grinder's technical parameters: Grinding range: Φ2.1-Φ15mm Point angle: 90°-135° Power: 220V/180W Speed: 5300RPM Diamond grinding wheel: CBN or SDC Standard 11 collets : Φ3, Φ4, Φ5, Φ6, Φ7, Φ8, Φ9, Φ10, Φ11, Φ12, Φ13 Apolegamic collets: Φ2.5, Φ3.5, Φ4.5, Φ5.5, Φ14, Φ15 Standard accessory: 5mm hex wrench Product size: 29×15×16cm Package size: 31×17×18cm Net weight: 9.8kg Gross weight: 10Kg
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Drill grinder, end mill grinder, screw tap grinder, chamfering machine, cutter grinder, Tool grinder, saw blade sharpener, lath

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Company Dongguan Thor Machinery Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Accessory  , Mould Machine / Punch Machinery  , Mould Machine / Metal Forming Machinery  , Coordination & Synergy / Engraving Machining  , 
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