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Temp & Humi Salt Fog Test Chamber



  • 45644.00Yuan/set


Joanna Wen
008676913826932967 0086-769-23164266
  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Delivery period: 20 Shipped within days
  • Total Supply: 20 set
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: 543Ten ThousandUSD
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: Simulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
  • location: China/Guangdong
  • Honor:
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BrandASLI Valid untillong term effective Latest update2018-05-21 09:52

Temp & Humi Salt Fog Test Chamber

Temp & Humi Salt Fog Test Chamber

Temperature Humidity Salt Spray Combined Test Chamber is used for imitating natural status in increase imitation test.  The imitating condition is harder than status that we usually meet. The tester can combine the follow status such as: salt smog, dry, humidity, normal temperature, low temperature.The tester is for product used in intense changeable environment, such as: parts of automobile, navigation equipment, camera equipment, building material, electroplate coating and resistant to metal electrolytic corrosion in electrical system. 

Environmental corrosion chamber / features:
1. Adopt Humidity and temperature Controller with LCD touch screen digital display, RS-232 or RS-485 communication interface.  (Temperature and humidity recorder, can keep complete records of the humidity and temperature graphs. This is optional.) 
2. Operation mode: programmable or constant 
3  Capacity of Programmable operation is 100 groups 100 steps per group, and 100H per step 
4. Capacity of constant operation is 10000H.
5. Memory function: in case of a power cut, the machine can resume the unfinished test as soon as power is recovered.

Temperature saline tester / technical parameters:



 Test Standard 


 Inner Dimension 

W*H*D (mm) 


 External Dimension 

 W*H*D (mm) 


 Temperature Range 

 RT +10 ℃ ~ +80℃ 

Humidity Range 

 60% ~ 95%RH(Temperature 50℃ ~ 70℃) 

Analytic Accuracy / Distribution  Uniformity of Temperature and Humidity 

 0.1℃; 0.1% R.H/±2.0℃; ±3.0% R.H. 

Control Accuracy of Temperature and Humidity 

 ±0.5℃; ±2.5% R.H. 

 Pressure Bucket Temperature 

 Saline test method (NSS ACSS) 47±1 ℃  

 Corrosion Test (CASS)63±1 ℃ 

 Compressed Air Pressure (KGf) 


 Spray Volume 

 1.0~2.0ml /80cm2 /h(working at least 16 hours, and take the average  value) 

 Spray Method 

 Continuous Spray 


 AC220V 15A 

Temperature humidity salt tester Pictures:

Supplier information
Company Asli (China) Test Equipment Co.,Ltd Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital543Ten thousandUSD Year Established1988
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication  
Main businessMoulding Equipment  , Mould Machine  , Mould Machine  , Moulding Equipment  , 
Main ProductsSimulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
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