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Paper-making meshes

Materials:phosphor bronze wire.tin bronze wire,brass wire,stainless steel wire, polyester wire.Weaving and characteristics:The products include square hole mesh, retangular hole plainmesh, twill mesh,and three wire mesh. According to the weaving,polyester forming fabrics can be divided into3,4,5,7,or8 sbed fabrics.According to the use it can be divided into joined or endless fabrics, thuspossessing excellent corrosionresistance and abrasion resistance. Uses:They are applied as circular mesh and long mesh in paper making industry, as well as riddling and filtering mesh in other industries sectors.
Supplier information
Company Haoyufa Wire Mesh Co.,LTd. Business modeltrade type
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Hebei Business Typetrade type (trade type)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessCoordination & Synergy / Surface Machining  , 
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