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pre filter

��?Highly washable type ��?Low initial pressure drop ��?High dust holding capacity ��?Excellent performance Applications ��?general air filtration and pre-filtration Type ��?pleated synthetic panels Frame ��?galvanised steel/Aluminum Grids/Scaffold ��?galvanised steel /galvanised steel wire Gasket ��?none EN 779 class ��?G4 Average arrestance ��?94% (ASHRAE 52.1.1992 ) EUROVENT 4/5 class ��?EU4 Final pressure drop ��?250 Pa Max. operating temperature ��?90��? Max. relative humidity ��?100% RH Installation ��?holding frames type CT 10 / 20 / 30 Type Dimension Filtering surface (m2) Rated air flow (m3/h) Initial pressure drop(Pa) Height (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) FHK40 287 592 45 0.34 1400 ��?0 FHK40 395 495 45 0.40 1650 ��?0 FHK40 495 495 45 0.50 2100 ��?0 FHK40 592 592 45 0.70 3000 ��?0 FHK40 287 592 90/96 0.50 2000 ��?0 FHK40 395 495 90/96 0.60 2300 ��?0 FHK40 495 495 90/96 0.75 2900 ��?0 FHK40 592 592 90/96 1.05 4200 ��?0 OTHER SIZES: ON REQUEST OTHER MATERAILS: ON REQUEST
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air filter, filter, HEPA filter, filter panels, bag filter, dust filter

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Company Shanghai Station Purifying Equipment Co., Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanghai Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Supplementary Material / Standard Parts  , Mould Machine / Electric Tools  , 
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