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Offer Latch locks units,Latch Lock,Parting lock set,lock plate, parting locks



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Offer Latch locks units,Latch Lock,Parting lock set,lock plate, parting locks

Latch locks unit Different standardard latch locks, Such as DIN AISIJIS STANDARD GGS.226616, GGS.368619, GGS.421024:Designed for two steps opening moulds. The gradual scale allows selection of the first opening. The priority of opening depends on position of assembly. DDKL-2811, DDKL-2812, DDKL-2821, DDKL-2822,DDKL-3411, DDKL-3412, DDKL-3421, DDKL-3422, DDKL-4511, DDKL-4512, DDKL-4521, DDKL-4522:Three diameter sizes to choose from 28 mm, 34 mm, and 45 mm .depending on the size of the mold and the applicationTwo travel ranges and two center puller pin lengths to choose from for each of the three sizes.Hardened steel components for longer lifeEasy set-up of timing for latching mechanism. Z Z174 Latch locking unit is preferably mounted on injection- and die casting moulds requiring a second mould parting levelPrecision component, available in three sizes. Due to double-sided locking system, unit can transmit enormous pulling forces.Low wear even at long, continous mould operating times.Instant or delayed pulling actions of mould plates are possible. ZZ171\ZZ170:Latch locking unit ZZ 171 is an alternative to the tried-and-tested type It is primarly used on moulds with an additionally required mould opening (second mould split).Applicable for the plastics and metal processing
Supplier information
Company DATONG PRECISION(CHINA) CO Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established2002
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Standard Parts  , Moulding Equipment / Injection Plastic Machine  , 
Main Products"mold parts"
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