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XLL250、XLL350 VERTICAL INJECTION MOLDING MACHINEThe new XLL250、XLL350 series of vertical type plastic injection molding machine has incorporated all advantages of other types of abroad,with the compact structure and small space,high efficiency and productivity,featuring super saving energy and low noise due to the novel design,and adopting the hydraulic load sensing displacement controls with injecting pressure upto 180MPa. lower platen fixed upper platen movable,direct clamping system,provide safety and mold life,screw plasticizising,back-pressure adjustable.This machine is suitable for producing high presission small pastic products,especially for all kinds of inset molding.Also,we can provide of electric-hydraulic control system according to the various requirement of our users. Injection unit(1)Double-cylinder balanced injection system.(2)High efficiency screw for quick plasticizing.(3)Heating temperature setting and control(4)Adjustable injecting speed.(5)Adjustable "back pressure" control Clamping unit(1)Hydraulic directly clamping mechanism,for self-adjustable clamping parallelly.(2)Imported hard-chromed tie bars and guiding rods.(3)Four tie-bars structure for larger mold plus greater clamping stroke.(4)Fixed lower platen,movable upper platem,especially suitable for inserts.Control unit(1)24V DC solenoid valves are used for high safety,preventing from coil buring.(2)Industry eletric relay controls.
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