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  • 50000.00Yuan/set


Joanna Wen
008676913826932967 0086-769-23164266
  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Delivery period: 25 Shipped within days
  • Total Supply: 100 set
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: 543Ten ThousandUSD
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: Simulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
  • location: China/Guangdong
  • Honor:
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BrandASLI Valid untillong term effective Latest update2018-05-21 10:46

Vibration Tester

Horizontal + Vertical Vibration High Frequency Vibration Test Bench

We are manufacturer of Horizontal + Vertical Vibration High Frequency Vibration Test Bench series products, adopted the 'double-magnetic circuit structure',' self-generated skeleton action circles', 'Airborne Support’ and 'roller bearings and linear guidance', 'trunnion isolation’ advanced modern technology and special technology,  can be completed in X,Y,Z three-axis sinusoidal vibration test and broadband random vibration tests, to be completed by the classical (half - sine, trapezoidal, saw tooth wave) pulse and shock response spectrum test. These products are widely used in national defense, weapons, aviation, aerospace, communications, electronics, electrical appliances, communications, home appliances and other fields.

High Frequency Vibration Test Bench Technical Parameters:

 Model Rated Sine
Force (N)
Rated Random
Force (N)
Range (Hz)
Rated Acceleration  (m/s2) Rated Speed(m/s) Rated displacement
Max. Loading (Kg) moving coil(Kg) Dimension of
Moving coil(mm)
ES-1 1000 1000 3-3500 400 1.2 25 70 2.5 Φ150
ES-2 2000 2000 3-3500 800 1.6 25 70 2.5 Φ150
ES-2a 2000 2000 3-3500 300 1.6 40 70 8 Φ230
ES-3 3000 3000 3-3500 1000 1.6 25 100 3.5 Φ150
ES-3a 3000 3000 3-3500 400 1.6 40 120 9 Φ230
ES-6 6000 6000 3-3500 1000 1.6 25 180 6.5 Φ230
ES-6a 6000 6000 3-3500 1000 1.6 51 250 12 Φ230
ES-10 10000 10000 3-3000 1000 1.8 51 270 14 Φ240
ES-20 20000 20000 3-3000 1000 1.8 51 300 30 Φ320
ES-30 30000 30000 3-2800 1000 1.8 5l 450 40 Φ450
ES-40 40000 40000 3-2800 1000 1.8 51 500 50 Φ450
ES-50 50000 50000 3-2700 1000 1.8 51 750 50 Φ450
ES-60 60000 60000 3-2700 1000 1.8 51 750 60 Φ450
ES-100 100000 100000 3-2500 1000 1.8 51 1000 90 Φ450
ES-120 120000 120000 3-2200 1000 1.8 51 1100 90 Φ500
ES-160 160000 160000 3-2100 1000 1.8 51 1500 150 Φ600
ES-200 200000 200000 3-2000 1000 1.8 51 2500 200 Φ650
ES-350 350000 350000 3-1700 1000 1.8 51 4500 300 Φ870

Horizontal + Vertical Vibration High Frequency Vibration Test Bench Features:
1. Well-designed dynamic circle skeleton, with a higher stage axial resonance frequency.
2. Two-magnetic circuit, magnetic flux leakage low, compact structure and rational.
3. Rocker Rod roller bearings straight and import-oriented composite body stiffness orientation, eccentric load capacity.
4. Trunnion isolation foundation dedicated to hormone use, the installation of mobile convenience.
5. Advanced technology move around the system to ensure that the dynamic circle of high reliability.
6. New duct design and enhance the cooling effect.
7. Static stiffness, dynamic stiffness of the bearing small balloon, raising the vibration table capacity, improve low-frequency performance.  

If you would like to know accurate quotation of machines or more information, please comfirm with us, the price on the website just for reference. Contact information as below:
Ms. Joanna                                                                 
Company Add : Building C,JinHui Industrial Park,LiXin Town,East City District 523125,DongGuan City,China
Cell : 0086-769-23164266
Fax : 0086-769-22851784
Email : Sales9@aslitesting.com
Website : http://www.aslitesting.com
ASLi main products : Temperature (Humidity) Chamber, Desktop Chamber, Thermal Shock Test Chamber, Walk-In Temperature Humidity Room, Aging Room, Sand and Dust Tester, Rain Spray Tester, UV Chamber, Ozone Chamber, Xenon Climate Chamber,Salt Spray Corrosion Chamber, High Temperature (Vacuum) Oven, High Pressure Aging Chamber, Vibration Shaker, CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine, dro Ball Tester, etc
Supplier information
Company Asli (China) Test Equipment Co.,Ltd Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital543Ten thousandUSD Year Established1988
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication  
Main businessMoulding Equipment  , Mould Machine  , Mould Machine  , Moulding Equipment  , 
Main ProductsSimulated Transportation Vibration Tester,Thermal Shock Chamber,Circulate Temperature Chamber
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