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punching die mould, shoes machinery



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  • Place of Origin: China Fujian
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punching die mould, shoes machinery

The former of Hongda Mould Plastics Factory Fujian was Fujian Rongxin Machinery Tool Factory with over thirty years history. It is the first group of state key machinery enterprises of Fujian Province, the natioal largest manufacturer of turntable of shoes machine, the earliest manufacturer of TV set mould in Fujian, the largest and most powerful manufacturer of machinery parts and accessories in Fujian, the largest rolling mill machining factory in Fujian, the largest mini bearing ring manufacturer in Fujian, the first moulding enterprise passing ISO9001-2000 certificate in Fujian. Rongxin planer is very famous throughout the country. In 1999, the factory moved to Fuzhou and reformed Hongda Mould Plastics Factory Fujian, with subsidiaries mould factory, plastics factory, machinery factory, bearing factory. Our business scope involves injection mould, die-casting mould, punching die mould, plastics products, shoes machine parts, rolling mill parts, large gear-box, steel structure, mini bearing.
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injection mould, die-casting mould, punching die mould, plastics products, shoes machine parts, rolling mill parts, large gear-b

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Company Hongda Mould Plastics Factory Fujian Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Fujian Business Type ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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