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  • 100.00Yuan/Henan Tian


17303919089 17303919089
  • Place of Origin: China Henan
  • Delivery period: 3 Shipped within days
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: 3000Ten ThousandRMB
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: liquid nitrogen container, liquid nitrogen tank, liquid nitrogen dewar ,dewar vessel, dewar flask
  • location: China/Henan
  • Honor:
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2021-01-15 10:04

TIANCHI ice maker IMS-130

TIANCHI nugget ice maker countertop IMS-130 130kg/26h size

Tianchi ice machine mainly deals in single-system ice machines and desktop ice machines in the shape of snowflakes, pellets, cubes, etc., which are widely used in vegetable processing and preservation, meat processing, laboratories, scientific research institutions and chemical companies. Among them, the model of the snowflake ice machine produced by Tianchi ice machine is 20 kg to 120 kg, and the model of the pellet ice machine is 20 kg to 1000 kg. The specific ice shape is like a square shape or a moon shape.

Maintenance] Henan Tianchi Ice Maker Maintenance Period Table.

Daily maintenance

1. Start and stop according to the prescribed procedures, and record the unit operating parameters at certain time intervals;

2. Check the filter drier regularly. If there is frosting at the outlet of the filter drier, it means that there is blockage.

3. Check whether the oil level in the compressor is normal

4. Regularly clean or replace the filter, and replace the dry filter core at the same time.

5. Check whether the system refrigerant is sufficient. In order to prevent frequent tripping of the low-pressure protection after starting up, the capacity adjustment state must be set to partial load, and the compressor will be fully loaded when the refrigerant is replenished to the rated capacity.

6. Carefully record the downtime encountered, analyze the cause, and help solve the problem.

Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance includes weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual maintenance. Users refer to the following content to formulate a scientific regular maintenance plan and implement it carefully, which can play a very important role in preventing problems.

Weekly maintenance

Check and analyze the operating parameter record table

Company: Henan Tianchi Cryogenic Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Tel:  +8618037306236/+86-18903712477/+8619937391625/

Fax: +86-371-65715725

facebook: +8618037306236

what's app: +8618037306236

Instagram: tianchiln2container


E-mail: TC18037306236@gmail.com

Address:Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Zheng Hua Road No. 10




TIANCHI nugget ice maker countertop IMS-130 130kg/26h size

Supplier information

Henan Tianchi Cryogenic Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. are a professional manufacturer of liquid nitrogen container / tank,Our containers are made of high quality rust-proof aluminum alloy and are light in weight. The outer casing is formed

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Company Henan Tianchi Cryogenic Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital3000Ten thousandRMB Year Established2018
LocationChina/Henan Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication        
Main businessMoulding Equipment  , 
Main Productsliquid nitrogen container, liquid nitrogen tank, liquid nitrogen dewar ,dewar vessel, dewar flask
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