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manufacturing molds for Aluminium Profiles



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manufacturing molds for Aluminium Profiles

 YongFeng Molds Manufacturing Co. Ltd. located in GuangLong Industrial Zone, ChenCun Town, ShunDe City, the Pearl River Delta of GuangDong Province, is a large-scale town and township enterprise specializing in manufacturing molds for Aluminium Profiles and was built in 1989. It covers an area of over 5,000 Square Meters and owns more than 60 advance producing equipments. There are several senior engineers and a lot of tenants who have much experience in molds. Advanced technological process and complete managing system let us produce over 25000 suits per year.
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Company Shunde YongFeng Molds Manufacturing Co.Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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