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glass bottle mould

Changshu Orient Mould & Die Co.,Ltd.(Suzhou Ori-Mould Ltd.), established in 1972, locate in Yushan Town, Changshu, Suzhou, China. More than 200 people are employed to produce all kinds of moulds for glass bottle and pot, lamp shade, and tableware, etc. The products are distributed all over the domestic markets, and find a good sale in various countries in Southeast Asia and Europe.Orient Mould has got unanimous favorable comments of domestic and foreign customers because of the Fine Materials, High Precision and Long Service-Life. Domestic and international famous brands, such as Maotai, Wuliangye, Zhangyu Wine, Carsburgue, etc., use the products of our company one after another. Nowadays, the annual production capacity is up to 80,000 sets, which makes Orient Mould the largest in scale and sales volume, and the most competitive private company in this line in China; the standing member of Executive Council of China Household Glass Mould Association.
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Company Changshu Orient Mould & Die Co.,Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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