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RS-Brown Fused Alumina 95, Aluminum Oxide



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RS-Brown Fused Alumina 95, Aluminum Oxide

Brown Fused Alumina / Brown Aluminum Oxide / Brown Corundum / Corundum Maroon / BFA / A BFA: Brown fused alumina is fused and crystallized under high temperature from mixture of bauxite and other materials, characterized by its high hardness, good toughness and shape in particles. Abrasive tools made of it are suitable for grinding metals of high-tensile strength such as carbon steel, general purpose alloy steel, malleable cast-iron and hard bronze etc. It also can be used as refractory materials. Brown Fused Alumina also can be called as Brown Aluminum Oxide, Brown Corundum, Corundum Maroon, BFA, A ect. Use of Brown fused alumina: first as the refractory materials, second as the abrasive, third as the sandblasting, fourth as the precision casting ect. Chemical composition () of Brown Fused Alumina / Brown Aluminum Oxide / Brown Corundum / Corundum Maroon / BFA / A: Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2 TiO2 95.0 Min 0.3 Max 1.5 Max 3.0 Max Size of Brown Fused Alumina / Brown Aluminum Oxide / Brown Corundum / Corundum Maroon / BFA / A: For abrasive F4-F240, P8-P220 For refractory P ( 0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm, 5-8mm, 8-12mm: 0-3mm, 0-5mm, 0-10mm, 0-25mm ) (Attention: F means the specification for bonded abrasives and sandblasting; W means micro powder)
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Abrasive material Refractory material Metallurgy Industry material

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Company Henan Ruishi Special Refractory Co.,Ltd.65726 Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , Supplementary Material / Standard Parts  , Supplementary Material / Molding Material  , Supplementary Material / Mould Supplementary Mater  , Supplementary Material / Hot Runner System  , 
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