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Welded Razor Mesh

Welded razor mesh is a multi-functional, high security mesh fencing made of straight-blade netting welded together, packaging into a roll form for transport. Razor wire mesh is used in operations to pave the field after the installation of a blade barrier. This product can protect you and your property, and ensures the safety of the protective barriers. This razor wire security fence product is almost impossible to climb or cut off with the standard tools, also it has a neat appearance. Razor mesh is installed in various parts of the world's airports, military bases, water substation, the border fence, oil depots, factories and so on. Razor mesh security fence the benefits 1 it is almost impossible to climb 2 high-strength steel core very difficult to cut off 3 powerful security fence barriers neat appearance 4 no secondary use, so he will not be stolen 5 extremely simple to install, needs three to four to install molding
Supplier information
Company Shanghai KDYConcertina Razor Wire Factory Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanghai Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , 
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