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  • Place of Origin: China Shanxi
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Information on this page is provided for you by Qinchuan Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.“TH5660 VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER”Product information, if you want to know more about“TH5660 VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER”Price, manufacturers, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-14 17:18


TH5660 is a high precision, high efficienct CNC machine tool, which usually is equipped in flexibile maunfacturing systems (FMS).The machine integrates conventional maching steps. It can continuously-automatically finish drilling, milling, boring,reaming and tapping, etc. in one setup. It not only has excellent university and high productivity but also can machine the complexe parts which can not done by general-purpose machines, especially suitable for machining complex 3D curred die, cam, plate-, disk-type parts and casings with high precision holes in large batch or mid-small batch process.Spindle is supported by high precision bearing NSK of Japan, and drived by AC spindle motor through synchronous gear-shaped belt, which allows for high spindle speed and great output torque, thus achieves high transmitting efficiency. Airhydraulic pressure boosting cylinder is used to Iooson tools, which meets requirement of protecting environment. The unloading device can ensure that the spindle wearing does not support force, which makes it keeping high precision for long time.X,Y coordinates employ Japanese THK linear guidways,which not only ensures high positioning accuracy and keeps it for a long time,but also achieves frequent start/stop reciprocal movement,and saves energy greatly. Z coordinate employs teflon sliding guide way with high hardness. So, the machine features high rigidity and accuracy.A temperature controlling regulator is attached to the machine for controlling the oil temperature, lubricating and cooling the spindle, exact dominating the difference in temperature of oil and environment, which makes the machine running under the condition of minimum thermo deformatiom, and ensures high accuracy of the machine.This machine employs MITSUBISHI MELDAS M50M CNC system, which features reliable and easy operating and high efficiency, and has a function of machining 3D curved surface.Functional parts may be selected by customer according to thier requirments so as to form the optimum combination of the machine, for exemple, setting 4th axis and tyiggered-type probe, etc.
Supplier information
Company Qinchuan Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. Business model23
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanxi Business Type23 (23)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Hot Runner System  , 
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