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MCV510 vertical machining center



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  • Place of Origin: China Shanxi
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MCV510 vertical machining center

MCV510 vertical machining center is of high efficiency and precision. It incorporates all the common machining functions, and is equipped whth advanced CNC system. It can finish drilling, milling,boring, reaming and tapping in one setup. Not only is it universal and efficient, but also it can machine complicated parts which can not be machined on the general purpose machines,such as various kinds of precision molds, plates,disks, cams with complicated shapes and boxes with high positioning precision. It is especially suitable for mechanical machining industry following variety, mid-small batch production.Large castings with thick walls processed by twice stress-relieving ensures high rigidity and accuracy of the machine.AC spindle motor and two stage gear reducing mechanism make large output torque, wide speed range and efficient transmission.The guideways for X, Y axes employ the Japan's THK (Germany's INA) rolling linear ones, which has high position accuracy and good dynamic characteristics.Hardened guideway for Z axis has long working life and durative precision. All the guideways face with teflon belt make no vibration for high speed movement and no creeping for Iow speed movenent.Ball screw pairs for three axes are of pre-loading structure so as to ensure the thermal distortion compenstation of ball screws and improve their transmission rigidity. The ball screws are driven directly by AC servo motos.This machine is equipped with mechanical cam type automatical tool changer. Compared with other types of tool changers, the cam type has the characteristics of fast changing tool, good reliability, accurate positioning and smooth movement. Semi-automatic tool loading and unloading unit makes operation easy and safe.The machine may be equipped with oil temperature adjuster for lubricating and cooling the spindle as well as controlling the difference between oil temperature and environment temperature accurately so as to make the machine run under min.thermal deformation, and thus ensure high working accuracy.The machine is fitted with MITSUBISHI MELDAS M50M system. It has the function for machining 3-D complicated curved surfaces. The control system is reliable, efficient, and easy to operate.
Supplier information
Company Qinchuan Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. Business model23
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanxi Business Type23 (23)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Hot Runner System  , 
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