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microcomputer control brainpower mould polishing machine YG-250



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microcomputer control brainpower mould polishing machine YG-250

The functions of Polishing Machine which is microcomputer-control and intelligent:a. Intelligent and ultrasonic Polishing Machine It polishes all kinds of mould, such as the complex antrum, slot and so on. This equipment is a combination of Sparkles and electrolysis polishing, which polish the mental product more efficiently and quickly. Material polished: all kinds of mental, horniness alloy, precious stone etc.roughness of surface processing: Ra0.012ummaterial used: Cupper stick, crystal-rubbing oil.b. Intelligent sparkle and polishing equipment:It assistants to the work of Intelligent and ultrasonic Polishing Machine and speeding controller of Intelligent polishing, which is used with electrolysis polishing equipment. As a result, the function of automatization will be more effectively. Surface roughness: unlimited by the quality of steel.c. Intelligent and electrolysis polishing equipment:Electrolysis polishing equipment is used with Intelligent sparkle and polishing equipment, which lower the cost and promote the efficiency. Surface roughness: unlimited by the steel qualityd. Intelligent rubbing speed controllerIt is used with to-and-fro polishing gun and tube, which is not only protect the polishing tube but also control the time and speed.Power output: 300WIntensity control: 5classd. In and fro polishing gunIt is used with intelligent polishing speed controller and polishing tube, which can polish the plane, sphere and circularity of all kinds of mould.Surface roughness processing: Ra0.008umMaterial used: copper grain, copper stick etc.The characteristic of equipment:1. Promote product effectively and lower the mould cost2. Steadfast the quality of surface polishing, plan to control the time of shipment easily.3. More effective to training the work,( no employ of high salary and high technology worker, short time training, and easily to operate and grasp)4. Good for management and keep environment clean.5. No requirement on the shape and the steel quality.6. Lower the cost
Supplier information
Company Sanjia Mould Polishing Equipment Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Jiangsu Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , 
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