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  • Place of Origin: China Jiangsu
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Mold Buffing Machine

Sanjia Mould Buffing Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 1988, to provide quality buffing to the industry of mould line, during the same time Sanjia also successfully developed its own buffing machine and tools to provide customers complete mould buffing plan, have been confirmed to be low-cost, reliable performance, and design than Germany , Japan more similar mechanical excellent. Our companys buffing machine has obtain CE MARK and approved by the BSI. Because of the high quality affordable prices is now sold well in China, Hong Kong, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Tanzania and other countries. We are interested in doing Acting customers welcome enquiries Sanjia company developed precise mould polishing machine has replace traditional methods of mould polishing without her shape, material hardness limit of the original surface roughness not required, not fallen edges and corners, the maximum smoothness to Ra0.008, not sandpaper, rock, file, the costs less, is faster, better results; and welding inspection results against DNA material is particularly notable (inter expected patterns can to welding inspection) Purchase equipment such as company heads portfolio polishing machine, the company will provide training for staff on the 2nd to your factory. Any instrument approach, the company will provide technical support.
Supplier information
Company Sanjia Mould Polishing Equipment Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Jiangsu Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , 
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