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Wire Braided Rubber Hoses

Wire braided rubber hose is made of synthetic rubber and strengthened with wire braided fabrics. It usually consists of four or more layers including inner rubber layer, middle rubber layer, one or two or three steel wire braided layers and out rubber layers. With wire braided, this kind of hydraulic rubber hoses are mainly used in mine and oilfield exploitation, suitable for the construction, lifting transport, forging metallurgy, mining equipment, ships, injection molding machinery, agricultural machinery, machine tools, as well as various industrial sectors mechanization and automation of hydraulic transmission system in a certain pressure and temperature of the oil (such as mineral oil, soluble oil, hydraulic oil, fuel oil, lubricants) liquid, water-based liquid (such as emulsion, the oil-water emulsion, water), such as gas and liquid transmission used.
Supplier information
Company Axma Rubber Hose Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Rubber machinery  , 
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