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Hydraulic Rubber Hose

Our hydraulic hoses are available with single and double wire braided. These hoses are used for various purposes like suction and pressure lines in hydraulic system, streamlines, tier and moulding presses, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, fertilizers and refineries. It can be used in the temperature of 210?C. We engineer three types of hydraulic hoses: R1 Type This is used for hydraulic, air, lubricating oils and crude. It is oil resistant synthetic rubber available with single wire braided, oil and weather resistant rubber in the outer cover. R2 Type It is oil resistant rubber available with double wire braided, oil and weather resistant synthetic rubber outer cover. It is used for high-pressure hydraulics, which is subjected to high surge peaks. R3 Type This is used for hydraulics, crude, air and lubricating oil. It is oil resistant synthetic rubber, which is available with double textile-braided reinforcement, oil and weather resistant synthetic rubber that are in outer cover.
Supplier information
Company Axma Rubber Hose Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Rubber machinery  , 
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