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Heat Shrinkable Wraparound Tape



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Heat Shrinkable Wraparound Tape

Heat Shrinkable Wraparound Tape is mainly used for bends, elbows, tee,insulating flanges and other irregular configurations and pipe-layer anti-corrosion damage repairs, can also be used for anti-corrosion treatment of the entire pipelines. Features & Benefits: Mainly used for bends, elbows, tee,insulating flanges and other irregular configurations and pipe-layer anti-corrosion damage repairs, can also be used for anti-corrosion treatment of the entire pipelines; Easy to install and use, reliable performance; Good resistance upon mechanical damage and liquid pressure. Excellent sealing property. Excellent resistance against bacteria (mold) and chemical corrosion. Common Heat Shrinkable Wraparound Tape Specifications id product specifications Length(m) A B C 1 *×100-1.2/0.8 10 15 20 2 *×150-1.2/0.8 10 15 20 3 *×200-1.2/0.8 10 15 20 4 *×250-1.2/0.8 10 15 20 Annotation: 1. *represents A/B/C three types; 2. Specifications in the table are for common use.
Supplier information
Company Jining Huayi Industry And Trade Co.Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Building Materials Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Medical & Chemical Mould  , Moulding Equipment / Packing Machinery  , Agency / Exhibition Company  , Trading & Purchaser / Purchaser Manufacturer  , 
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