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Triplex Mud Pump liner, F800 mud pump, PZ7/8/9 mud



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Triplex Mud Pump liner, F800 mud pump, PZ7/8/9 mud

Our plants are specialized in producing wide range of replacement parts and liners for brand name mud pumps, including Emsco, National, Ideco, Gardner Denver, etc. and other brand liners. All items are manufactured to API 7K quality standards. Parts are available for these popular pump models: Emsco:F-1300, F-1600, FB1300, FB1600, F-800, F-1000, F-500, F-350, DB-550, DA-700, FA-1600/1300, FC-2200, D-300/500, D-375, D-700, Ideco: T-500, T-800, T-1000, T-1300, T-1600, National: 7P50, 8P80, 9P100, 10P130, 12P160, N1300, C-250, K-700, 14-P-220, E-700/G-1000, K-500, K-380, K-500A/700A, C-250/350, JWS-400, Gardner Denver: PZ7, PZ8/9, PZ10/11, FK-FXK, FY-FXD, FD-FXX, FG-GXG, FG-FXG, KG-KXG, FQ-FXQ, FF-FXF,FF-FXP, Oilwell: A-560/600-PT, A-850-PT/A-1100-PT, A-1700-PT/A-1400-PT And other brand spare parts for WIRTH, OPI, Ellis Williams, Wilson, Gaso, Skytop/Brewster.
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triplex mud pump liner, oilfield equipment, drilling rig parts

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Company Qingdao HNA Oilfield Equipment Co., Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Machining Center  , Trading & Purchaser / Equipment Trade  , 
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