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parallel doublescrew-rod extruder



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  • Place of Origin: China Jiangsu
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parallel doublescrew-rod extruder

ZZZhangjiagang Huaming Machinery Co.,Ltd. of Sino-Foreignjoint is one of the enterprise whose production is designated for the State pastic machinery.It focuses on the developing and manufacturing of plastic machinery,paying close attention to the technical renovation,the active introduction of advanced technology from foreign countries and constant development of new products.Its main products include parallel doublescrew-rod extruder,conical double screw-rod extruder,series single screw-rod extruder,the extruding production line and various auxiliary machinery for aluminumplastic composite tubing,plastic tubing,platic deformed material,decorating plate& sheet materials,granulation,etc.The products are sold to the 29 provinces,municicipalities and autonomous reginons,covering the whole nation and exproted to more than a dozen foreign countries or regions such as Thailand,Canade,Indonesia,Japan,Russia,etc.
Supplier information
Company Zhangjiagang Huaming Machinery Co.,Ltd. Business modelmanufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Jiangsu Business Typemanufactur (manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Rubber machinery  , 
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