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stainless steel shot

Stainless steel shot/ stainless steel cut wire shot A shot blasting media for the cleaning, deburring & surface improvement of various casting types. It is most typically used on Aluminium, Non Ferrous Metals, Zinc Alloys, Stainless Steel etc. where a rust & stain free surface is required on the finished casting. Metal Parts where a special finish is required. Investment castings,small Aluminium castings & Forgings Aluminum Wheels, Pistons, Casings & Forgings Aluminium, Copper, Non Ferrous Alloys, Zinc & Forgings Aluminium castings, Special Alloys & Forgings Stainless Steel Castings & Forgings Adopting the Drawing into wire, cutting, grinding into roundness and other procedures to make. The surface is bright, no rust, round dew form (cutting shot, column form). It extensive applied in the surface of treatment of shot blasting, such as Cu, Al, Zn and Stainless steel shot etc.. it can make the surface of work piece finishing afer processed, extend metal substance and don’t rust, however, needn’t acid washing and the wear-resistance is 3-5 multiple to casting steel shot,. Certainly, it can reduce product manufacturer cost. Main chemistry: SUS, 304 C: 0.08% Mn: 0.9% Cr:18% Ni:9% Si < 1% SUS 302 C:0.08% Mn:V0.9% Cr:17% Ni:4-6% SUS, 430 C: 0.10% Mn < 1.2% Cr :15-16% SUS 410 C:0.1% Mn:1.2% Cr:13% Density: Round shot 7.9g/cucm; Cutting wire shot: 7.8g/cucm Size:0.2mm-1.5mm we can customize other size product Hardness:400-600HV
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stainless steel shot, zinc shot, aluminum cut wire shot, copper shot, carbon steel cut wire shot, conditioned cut wire shot

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Company Yongkang Sunshine Shot Blasting Material Co.,LTD. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Trading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , Coordination & Synergy / Surface Machining  , 
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