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Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipe



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Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipe

Our company is concerned with trade of an extensive range of products that includes plastic and brass pipe fittings, packaging materials, iron wire mesh, sunglasses, lighters, clothes, footwear, pet products, stationery, mechanical and electrical products, auto parts and other light industrial products. In addition to our export business, we also engage in the import of machinery, aluminum foil, paper, board and other raw materials.
Supplier information
Company Wenzhou Imp.and Exp. United Co.,Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
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The current page is the Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipeprice information display. TheAluminum &Plastic Compound Pipewholesale price, Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipequote and other related information displayed on this page are provided by the company itself. Aluminum &Plastic Compound PipePrice authenticity, accuracy, legality It is the sole responsibility of all the companies in the store. MouldsNet.COMdoes not assume any guarantee responsibility for this.
It is recommended that you confirm the final price by callingAluminum &Plastic Compound Pipe's contact information and request a Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipesample to confirm the product quality. If the price of Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipeis too low, it may be false information. Please confirm the authenticity of Aluminum &Plastic Compound Pipe, and beware of being deceived.