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PS Foam Machine CE

PS Foam Machine (CE) Technics flow as below: General Polystyrene Granule (GPPS) with additive are mixed in feeding sysytem, then go into No.1 Extruder---Inject foaming agent--After filter changer, material go into N0.2 Extruder--Extruded from mold head --Cooling and Shaping--Hauling off--Winding --Finished Products??”Packing. 1.It adopts Gentian type double-stage series high foam technology. 2.The raw material is general polystyrene granule (GPPS). 3.In the extruding process, foam agent (such as butane gas or LPG) is injected at high pressure. 4After vacuum forming system, the finished PS foaming sheet can be made into variety of packaging vessels ,such as fast food box ,aquatic plate,supermarket tray ,cake tray , KT board ,instant noodle bowl ,foam tray etc. 5 The foaming shaping machine adopts PLC control, touch screen operation, easily to operate. welcome to visit our website or write to me :salesyttianhai.com--angela wang
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Is engaged in the smart products research and development production sale and the installment

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Company Longkou Tianhai Precision Machinery Co. ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , 
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