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FX1N: The FX1N combines the benefits of an inexpensive compact controller with the flexible expansion capabilities of a modular control system. It can be expanded for up to 128 inputs and outputs and with a comprehensive range of special function modules. The FX1N also features a powerful integrated positioning controller. The FX1N’s communications and data link capabilities make it ideal for applications where the size of the controller hardware, communications features, special functions and processing speed are all critical. Welcome to our website: www.haiyueautomation.com for further information. Our mail address is szhaiyue at gmail dot com
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automation products sales,PLC,programmable logic controller,inverter,human machine interface,servo,motor

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Company Shenzhen Haiyue Machine & Electronic Equipment Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , 
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The current page is the MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESprice information display. TheMITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESwholesale price, MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESquote and other related information displayed on this page are provided by the company itself. MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESPrice authenticity, accuracy, legality It is the sole responsibility of all the companies in the store. MouldsNet.COMdoes not assume any guarantee responsibility for this.
It is recommended that you confirm the final price by callingMITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIES's contact information and request a MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESsample to confirm the product quality. If the price of MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIESis too low, it may be false information. Please confirm the authenticity of MITSUBISHI PLC,CONTROLLER,FX1N SERIES, and beware of being deceived.