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Dental Instruments

A.R Amon International is an independent manufacturing company who have developed an enviable character for bringing in the world class Dental Instruments as well as a complete range of all kinds of Tooth Extracting Forceps, Root Elevators, Periosteals Elevators, Dental Syringes, Bone Rongeurs, All types of scissor, Spring Scissors, Needle Holders, Dental Tweezers, Towel Forceps, Tongue Depressor, Retractors, Matrix bands, Rubber Dam Instruments, Wax and Carvers, Impression Trays. We are not only vigilant to produce best quality instruments, but also highly cautious while manufacturing the health care tools. Fore more details visit our website ( www.ar-amon.com ). By well established traditional dexterity and blending them with the work of modern machines, we have swiftly moved to the forefront of our line of work. Having fulfilled commission for the renowned Hospitals & Medical Institutions of the world, Markets around the globe, the Armed and Civilian Health Clinics, Zeebro International have a demonstrated record of being able to embark on the instruments covering the range of metal subject including gold and silver plating.
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Tooth Extracting Forceps, Root Elevators, Periosteals Elevators, Dental Syringes, Bone Rongeurs, All types of scissor,

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Company A.R. Amon International Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationPakistan Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Household goods  , 
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