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  • Place of Origin: China Hebei
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Balanced Mesh Conveyor Belt

Offering the advantages of woven wire mesh belts Wire mesh conveyor belts consist basically of joined wires forming an endless belt, which is used for the continuous transfer of products. Wire belts are available in many different materials for numerous production and process applications with temperatures ranges from freezing to heat treatment. The balanced type mesh belt is structured mainly to prevent the belt from creeping to one side on the drive pulley. The balance type wire belt is characterized by this structure and relatively high tension strength. Arch designs and manufactures wire mesh belts in a broad range of forms and sizes. Technical Information from Arch Characteristics: The balanced wire mesh construction offers various advantages of woven wire belts. Because of crimped connecting rod, the spiral pitches are accurately set. Deformation and stretch of belt are reduced as possible. Uses: For high temperature equipment, for heat-treating, washing, conveying and drying of foodstuff and other items. Description Model: By This kind of woven wire belts are built with flat wire spirals across the belts width and connected with either straight or crimped cross bars. The crossbar edges are either welded or linked. Arch offers various industrial wire belts including high temperature wire belt and wire belt for food conveying.
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Architectural Meshes,Mesh Belt,Balanced Mesh Conveyor Belt,Woven Wire Belt

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Company Arch Wire Mesh Product Factory. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Hebei Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , 
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