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The type of WYZ-750X4 Mesh woven sacks loom machine



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The type of WYZ-750X4 Mesh woven sacks loom machine

The loom machine is specially used to produce the mesh woven sacks which may be packed, transported & stored some kinds of the vegetables or fruits. The loom machine is reasonable designed in technology of frequency converter. It had been adopted the counting & showing the output of production by lights controller and winding the sacks automatically. The loom machine would be stopped automatically while the warps or the weft been broken or finished and the loom machine can distinguish the area where the warps or the wefts been broken or finished accurately & immediately. There are some merits of the loom machine, including or advanced capacities, easy to operating, reducing the power consumptions & higher efficiency of the production etc.
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plastic circular loom, extruder, lamination machine, colorful printing machine, film-blowing machine and bag-making machine etc

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Company WENZHOU HENGYI PLASTIC MACHINERY CO.,Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Plastic Manufacturer  , 
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