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Q58 series shot blasting machine



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Q58 series shot blasting machine

This series belongs to the hangering chains type continuous working overhead rail shot blasting machine, and it is mainly used for batch cleaning of small and medium castings, forgings, alloys, etc. They can eliminate sticky gravel and scale and other impurities on it, obtaining bright surface with certain rough degree, and improve decoration quality. Parameter Unit Q583 ??Q585 Q5810 Q588 Cleaning workpieces size mm ??00 x1500 ??00 x1200 ??300 x2800 ??50 x2200 Number of work position 2 4 6 4 Quantity of impeller head kg 4 6 6 4 Impeller head volume kg/min 4 x250 6 x360 6 x330 4 x480 Impeller head power kw 4 x15 6 x22 6x22 4 x22 Max hangering weight kg 300 500 1000 800 Productivity hanger h 40 55 50 30 Size of the cleaning room mm 3062 x1800 x2800 8500 x1800 x3885 8500 x2300 x4800 6800 x2600 x3325 Total airrate volume m??/h 15000 18000 18000 17200 Total power(except for dust cleaning) kw 74.5 186.85 186.85 121.05
Supplier information
Company shandong kaitai New Materials Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Supplementary Material / Mould Steel  , Trading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , Coordination & Synergy / Surface Machining  , Coordination & Synergy / Wire Cut Machining  , 
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