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  • Place of Origin: China
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-15 08:31

Perforated Metal

Hebei General Metal Netting Co.,Ltd manufactures a wide range of perforated metal sheets punched in mild steel, galvanised, aluminium, stainless steel and special alloys. Standard specifications can be supplied as per your requirement and dispatched within 5-7days. Hebei General's Stainless Steel perforated metals are used extensively in the engineering, food processing, building, agricultural, nuclear power and petrochemical industries and many others. Perforated materials are used in a number of different applications for a variety of reasons. Used mostly as screens, filters, shields, and guards, perforated materials can control the passage of air, liquid, light, solids, heat, electromagnetic waves, and sound waves. With these abilities, perforated materials has applications such as clothes washer and dryer drums, speaker covers, automotive grills and exhaust components, airplane engine silencers, grain dryers, microwave ovens, computer cabinets, and countless others. Other applications are aesthetics in architectural and design applications such as facades, fixtures, and privacy panels.
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stainless steel wire mesh,expanded metal,perforated metal,filter screen,filter element,filter disc,galvanized wire and black ann

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Company Hebei General Metal Netting Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Trading & Purchaser / Foreign Trade Corporation  , Trading & Purchaser / Goods Trade  , Coordination & Synergy / Wire Cut Machining  , Trading & Purchaser / Purchaser Manufacturer  , 
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