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ck7516/ck7516A/ck7516C CNC Lanthe



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ck7516/ck7516A/ck7516C CNC Lanthe

CK7516A CNC lathe:Adopts 45 deg. slant bed and integral base design, spindle speeding by inverter. With FANUC 0-TD (FANUC) or DASEN R2J50L etc. CNC systems, the lathe is capable of turning internal and external cylinders cones, arc and curved surfaces, ends, and inch or metric threading as well. Also with 12-station turret and fully protective cover, CK7516A/20A CNC lathe is available for different needs operators' safety. It is available for various middle or small batch production, and their excellent features can be further showed in machining complex and high accurate work.
Supplier information
Company Baoji zhongcheng machine tool co.,ltd Business model23
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type23 (23)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Hot Runner System  , 
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