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carbide tip circular sawing machinge



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carbide tip circular sawing machinge

Everising Machine Company of Taiwan R.O.C. was founded in June 1982 by four Chinese partners who foresaw the growing need for locally manufactured band saw machine tools from the local industry working to modernize and build a strong nation. The original 650m2 , 10-employee facility, in the Northeastern section of Taichung City , soon outgrew itself. In September 1987, in order to allow for the expansion of production and administration facilities, Everising moved to its present site in Western Taichung. The new factory site was four times larger (2500m2) and the number of employees grew to 35. The explosive growth has led again to the need for expansion, which was underway with the purchase of an additional 2500m2 of property adjacent ot the present site, effectively doubling the facility area. A new 1500m2 building was finished to enlarge the warehouse, assembly area and administration offices in 1993.
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Company Everising Machine Company of Taiwan R.O.C. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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