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Smooth Design MP4 Portable Movie Player 2GB



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  • Business model: Manufactur
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Smooth Design MP4 Portable Movie Player 2GB

This 2GB MP4 Digital Media player with a built in high quality speaker is definitely worth a look. Features include its 1.8 Inch OLED Screen with 65K color to insure that your movies come in crisp and clear, built in FM tuner and the option to record the FM music, picture screen saver, and more. Smooth is a great way to describe this no MOQ MP4.
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mp3 players,mp4 players,digital cameras,car audio,car dvd

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Company Chinavasion Wholesale Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Accessory  , Trading & Purchaser / Foreign Trade Corporation  , Trading & Purchaser / Goods Trade  , 
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