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The PVC plastic shape molding extruding unit



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The PVC plastic shape molding extruding unit

The unit is our new generation molding extruding equipment which is produced by introducing the overseas 90's advanced technology. It is mainly used in producing the plastic windows and doors, the plastic entire shutter, the staircase arm, the plastic plate, the decoration plate as well as PVC spongy product. It has the characteristic of high precision, good plasticity, long life and strong screw cleanliness and so on. Main Technical Parameter Subsidiary Mainframe SJSZ80?0 SJ65?2 SJS45?2 The vacuum finalizes the platform SDZ-3200 SDT-90 SDT-65 Platform effective length /mm 3200 2800 1500 Vacuum pump power /KW 3?.5 2?.5 5.5 Tractor model SXQ-210 SJG-200 SJG-200 Tows width /mm 300 300 300 The caterpillar band supports on both sides length mm/ 2700 1200 120 Tows speed /m.min-1 0.3-3 0.3-3 0.3-3 Force of traction /KN 30 15 10 Pulling power /KW 2?.5 2.2 1.5 Tows frequency conversion power /KW 3.7 - - Saw shearing machine model SYJ-220 QG-160 QG-160 Cutting size /mmmm 220?0 220?0 220?0 Cutting diameter /mm 400-500 400 400 Cutting power /KW 1.1 1.1 1.1 Cutting way pneumatic type, automatic type pneumatic type, automatic type pneumatic type, automatic type Unit quality /kg 8000 7000 6000 External dimensions /m (Long * width * high) 16?.2?.9 16?.2?.9 14?.9?.9
Supplier information
Company Qingdao Fushun Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Extrusion Plastic Machine  , 
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